Justine in 2022


Fresh Air for everyone. Always know that the air is there to share. SING IT! 

We all know now that when we progress our futures get better. There is always a way to include more in who we are and what we do. You have got it in you. Happiness comes from within. Share it!. 

There will be a way for you to see and be involved in activities and events that show your skills. Personal and professional developmental opportunities provide techniques to get the very best from who we are through and with more AI with ML. 

Fresh Air for everyone. Always know that the air is there to share. SING IT! 
Love and the magic that it is: 
When love is magical it is destiny. When destiny has a sense of humour, it is serendipity. J'adore. xo

Let's roll this.. it is time for all to be able. All will be included and totally capable. Now there will be business with people who can and will allow all to be a part of that new life that is needed in the here and now, plus in the future. 

Let's roll this.. it is time for all to be able. All will be included and totally capable. Now with all enabled to be progressive, with the format of this new programming through I C castles; there will be new extra business with people who can and will allow all to be a part of that new life that is needed in the here and now, plus in the future. 

Let it be known that with the integration of more and more Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, plus Augmented & Virtual Reality; as the main areas of improving productivity, resulting in our getting the best from every possibe opportunity available in all industries

This is the time to move forward, using personal and professional business income bearing leverage extras, allowing all to run parallel. Involving constructive activation, stimulus for all business extra revenue. 

Fresh Air for everyone. Always know that the air is there to share. SING IT! 
Love and the magic that it is: 
When love is magical it is destiny. When destiny has a sense of humour, it is serendipity. J'adore. xo

Machines and automated bots are all about making it easier. They can do it faster, more efficiently, more effective at less cost to build a brighter future. Letting the machines be a part of who we are means that the people have more time to be with the people. Doing what they love and live for and getting paid for it. 

Fresh Air for everyone. Always know the air is there to share. 
Take it as a breath of fresh air that blows past in the wind; We all need it, we cannot live without it. There is plenty for everyone. That breath you catch is your opportunity, the one that blows by is meant for someone else.

Be reasonable. When there are differences, understand and never be afraid to know there is always a way to work it out. Time heals all wounds. Work around that and be progressive. The wounds that never heal are always able to see that what was there was a gift that will never be forgotten. 

That part of us that heals is a compound that creates the best compilation. Building the strength that makes you who you are, allowing everyone to grow, when moving on. 

If you have to take a break, temporarily walk away, reflect and redirect. Knowing that when you think about the options, think about it ...  righteousness will always prevail. 

Know that when we work together and help each other, it is then that the results of the resolution will find a way. It is then that there will be the actions that make it possible; so that every community gets to be a part of something that is feasible, reasonable, and actionable. 

It is up to us to know this strength is in us and others too. You have it, it is in you. And by having this strength, a sweet strength that is in everyone and helps us all to know that everything required (for all involved) is able to happen when we work it out together, for the greater good. 

Take action to be a part of everything that is relative. Know that you make the difference that matters, as does every person around you. It is all relative. We are all needed. Listen to others. 

Fresh Air for everyone. Always know that the air is there to share. SING IT! 
Fresh Air for everyone. Always know that the air is there to share.

Hear all that is said, every contribution matters. When they differ, as long as there is no harm to you, your community or others,  we find options with exceptional choices for everyone. 

Talk about it. Communicate and connect. Find reason in resolution. Discuss it and coordinate cooperation. Say No to war. War is toxic. There is no clean air with war. Make the only righteous choice to clear the air, no war will ever make it right. 

Fresh Air for everyone. Always know that the air is there to share. SING IT! 
Fresh Air for everyone. Always know that the air is there to share. 

Be thankful and grateful for all that you receive, and even happier that the ones that are meant for others are for  those who can and do improve yours. 
Always know that the air is there to share. πŸŽ€πŸŽ½πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ❤️πŸ’œπŸ˜‡☮️❣️❤️

Fresh Air for everyone. Always know that the air is there to share. SING IT! 
Fresh Air for everyone. Always know that the air is there to share. 

DNLB - Do Not ''Live'' Backwards. Move on, share knowledge and learn from others, be kind, caring, considerate and prosper. 

Context is crucial. 
Keep it in perspective! 

BABK - Be Auspicious. Be Kind. 

Think about it; Your IQ has more value when you use your EQ wisely.  

Do NOT "LIVE" backwards.
Spell it! Think about it, be prepared and always know ... You LIVE for the future. 

Always make sure that you do it right.

NEVER "LIVE" backwards.  
Make sure you never do that! 

Always do the right thing. πŸŽ€πŸŽ½πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ❤️πŸ’œπŸ˜‡☮️❣️❤️

Enjoy each breath, every moment we are here. Treat each and every part with respect. We can all live knowing that chance your sharing with others makes your chances far more relevant.
Always know that the air is there to share.

Fresh Air for everyone. Always know that the air is there to share. SING IT! 
Fresh Air for everyone. Always know that the air is there to share. 

How we live and are a part of a community makes all the difference to how we thrive, survive and the air we breathe. Always know that the air is there to share.
Fresh Air for everyone. Always know that the air is there to share. SING IT! 
Fresh Air for everyone. Always know that the air is there to share. πŸŽ€πŸŽ½πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ❤️πŸ’œπŸ˜‡☮️❣️❤️

Every drop of water counts, the air is made with water, as are we. The cycle of life is our connection. The heartbeat of life in every breath we breathe, it forms from all creatures great and small, every heart that pounds, every step we take, each and every moment matters. Always know that the air is there to share.

Fresh Air for everyone. Always know that the air is there to share. SING IT! 
Fresh Air for everyone. Always know that the air is there to share. πŸŽ€πŸŽ½πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ❤️πŸ’œπŸ˜‡☮️❣️❤️


I am an energetic, bright Mother of 3!
 I live in the BEST city in the world: on SYDNEYs Northern Beaches! (Golden sands, sunshine and Great People - Not much bias here! Lol) 

Where to start? Let's pick a space... and go with information technology. I created a small business that is in transmission to form the company involves the sweet strength of every industry. It works for, with and through all and every ability level and or capacity required for all areas of business (Personal and professional). The following gives clarity, so you know what area it was initiated.  
Many thanks to: 

Education on the North side. After school, teachers College (Mitchell in transmission to Charles Sturt, took a country hike in Bathurst temporarily). Then went on a deferral until mature age at 21. On the way back, a coach I was traveling in was redirected (of sorts). Then during training from the Royal North Shore designed to completely cover all areas of pain management, that involved removing and handling any nerve damage  signals. Learning to, instead, delve into extra recovery and recuperation, as in a given plan to make prevention instead of cure a part of the business plan. 

Many thanks to: 

With tireless knowledge on how every mind is able to be managed, by masterfully triggering the powerful essence of discipline and control for alleviation, redirection, reallocation and  regeneration. It allows for use and presentation of skills services and systems, that can and do give affirmative results in all aspects of each and every lifestyle. 

Engaging in several industries including management in events (working with top level businesses in various capacities including arranging and interstate experience in expos).  

As well as logistics while allowing for extra studies at the start of generated interactionable information neuroscience connectability. 

 Many thanks to: 

Then also with secret meeting arrangements to return to be part of their systematic financial services in a health and exercise products company called WorkOut World. 

As well  as being requested to start as 2ic in computer printer ribbon recycling business with a German company called Geha. I started the process of developing these businesses. 
All the time while working in a small business capacity plus managing a job I held permanent part time for 20 years. I was also working casual and permanent part time at the local RSL Club. I enjoyed working with all the community, especially the retired servicemen and their families! 

All time while I was there I was dabbling in the internet income, starting as a part time SURFER! I was able to earn a fair bit. So I  decided to take the CHALLENGE of making it my Business, My full-time employment (Bravely!.. As A beginner, Picking it up as I went!) 

Many thanks to: 

I am not a beginner anymore, I am always learning, that will never change, but I am now an experienced Internet Entrepreneur! I was studying business and catching up with online studies also. After part time for the first two years, I have now been FULL time earning online for almost 36 years! THIS is now My BUSINESS. This is What I Do. I Love It and want to share with you too! 

Just4Cash4You J4C4U The Program that works with You. Impressive Tips, Tools and Tactics to Help you advance your business productivity online. Moving towards the best business for all.
 Impressive Tips, Tools and Tactics to Help you advance your business productivity online. 

Many thanks to: 

With  I C castles your business creates, builds and strengthens long term relationships at all levels and includes continuous referencing that is interactive.

 I C castles is made about you, with you for you with and for existing business relations while constantly enhancing new business too. 

I C castles is a new and insightful opportunity for your business to be involved in an exceptional program that combines community communications and connections that become a networking business bonanza through using A.I. and M.L. as part of a digital presentation for referencing your best business practices. 

Many thanks to: 

By using the Internet Complete and allows acknowledgment of your business sweet strength with Client Appreciation services created with Top Leads Excellence Systems made exclusively for your business. 

 I C castles empowers your business with integration of the true sweet strength of all business as Internet Complete Client Appreciation Services Top Leads Excellence System is always working constantly for you. 

Internet Complete Client Appreciation Services Top Leads Excellence Systems: for Building business relationships optimisation extras.
I C castles with Just4Cash4You 

Internet Complete (Integrated Circuits) clients appreciation services (CX - caring and sharing) top leads excellence systems (transactions leverages extra strength). 

 Incorporating and assimilating Information Technology into your daily business plans.  Developing your Product, service and or Brands Social Media influence and using the most advanced and progressive intellectual platform available for improving all your business online.

Many thanks to: 

Productive projection of the positive interactions between humans and technology aimed at producing programs to improve living standards at all levels of life here on this amazing earth of ours. 

Developing communication and actions to access the highest possible standards and making these available to all via the internet community. Synchronizing new ideas and plans for activation of best practices. Inciting and inviting stimulation for productive use of all resources available to provide positive action in all plans.

Many thanks to: 

Allow input and feedback from all inclusive incorporating sharing of the gifts of every individual in your team to increase team spirit with motivation and inspiration, for all.

1.       Increasing Resource accessibility and availability via the internet.

2.       Direction where to access your best tools for your business and its market.

3.       Expanding and explaining the best ways to use the best tips and tools along with when and why this is needed for each level of your business plan.

4.       Reporting and tracking connections and actions that work best with your business.

5.       Brainstorming new and wonderful benefits and assets. Making these accessible to your business and how they can work best.

6.       Developing time frames and setting projects for future development.

7.       Putting programs into action online to work and improve your productivity and income as soon as possible for your business.

Just4Cash4You will assist your business online using above mentioned methods and procedures to get the best available for your business and apply these policies to your everyday business programs in social media marketing and promotions.

The place to start is by finding the best place to initiate your business promotions. J4C4U recommends that WHERE you are is the place to start; Google Maps says more now and is always progressive for every type of business online today. Get your business registered and in the Search Engine Optimization rankings on the top level from the start put your web page with the options that allow the most advanced opportunities.   

Using Google Workspace gets every business in the place that is always effective and essential. Every top level of all industries most advantageous, area related, resources functionality follows. Inclusive, through Google Workspace Marketplace, with the Google Workspace control panel exceptional features, functions are created and made available allowing for business growth at every level. 

Once you have registered your business for a free trial of Google Workspace, the establishment and development of all of the initial settings tools for IC castles are created. 

Your I C castles business pages are able to be designed specifically for a multitude of extra income leverages. These are enabling the clients appreciation services and also able to increase your I C castles business growth tools and resources availablity. 

It is also through an array of variables (Currents and Google Domains plus Google Sites inclusive), that each part of your IC castles formations will blend with the top leads excellence systems made for your business. All are adaptable and exceptional in unique design that are transactions leverage extra strength programs for every industry. 

It is there, where your businesses are able to get access to the outstanding resources made for your I C castles programs. These are used to improve opportunities for you to be listed in the top level rankings for your industry through the specific criteria made for your business in each one. 

All are made about your I C castles  topics with subjects and categories for benefitting with each of the clients appreciation services allowing and directing to the top leads excellence systems in doing so. 

Also as per the advantages on Google Maps, networking top leads excellence systems define the actions required through performance allocation. 

This occurs as each of the I C castles services and systems accelerators, while always building business relationship optimisation extras in doing so, there forms permanent extra income leverages for building revenue growth. 

The sooner this is done the better it will be for your business to get your products and or services into positions that allow for your business to be seen and experienced more.  There will be more inclusive new business opportunities available in driving new transactions online today   as well. 

I C castles with J4C4U use and Recommend Google Ads and Marketing Platform including Google AdSense, AdWords and Google Analytics websites. The idea and functions of Just4Cash4you is to assist you make best use of the advice and resources you can get with I C castles and not only where to find and use the information best for your business, but also exceptional quality and efficiency improvements with the introduction of such an elevated level of new business variables. 

To keep the customers continually hitting on your site and returning to your website it is best to keep your website “Alive”, active and relevant in social media. J4C4U works at continually promoting what your site has to offer and assisting in changing the content with a variety of information as listed above. 

Then as all of the areas of the Internet Complete, are given maximizing capacity for top leads excellence systems to grow from initial formations on a whole new level, so too does all businesses and their clients appreciation services. 

For those who do not have a business to promote or market and you are looking to find income online as a full time industry you can start your own business in, or as an affiliate marketer working with email, website and video marketing plus Blogging too, to assist others in promoting these specific programs. 

Then J4C4U will assist in offering advice as to where are the best companies and programs to work with and from experience and statistics, who are those that pay the best for you to earn extra full time or part time incomes online. All based on the I C castles formats (unique in every business). 

Using the Internet Complete clients appreciation services top leads excellence systems: I C castles with Just4Cash4You on Just4Cash are always Caring and Sharing Honesty for you. 
Cheers! Have a Magical Day! Hooray!

Mi casa su casa. I C castles.

Sweet strength with business relationships optimisation extras.

I C castles are Internet Complete (Integrated Circuits) clients appreciation services (caring and sharing - cx) top leads excellence systems (transactions leverages extra strength). 

The I C castles Services are events, activities, occasions, expos, presentations, science fairs, all associated with the business who the I C castles are created for.

As with all business, in all industries, this is a method where AI with ML can be introduced and where those people from every level whose work is then done faster, more efficiently and effectively. Then as a result because all will also be able to be involved in these programs, that are  created uniquely for each business, there will be in turn again entirely new income bearing leverages that are created in relation to every unique program as per their specific I C castles design .

So with this program introduction to every type of business it will include lowering unemployment, lowering hours worked, increasing incomes with the creation of each of part of these services and systems being increased income leverages at every level. 

As I C castles Systems are transactions methods, business multiple income leverage, increased revenue systems.

Building business relationships optimisation extras (broe) are all adapted to each business in recruiting and influencing ways for new and existing customers to be appreciated and to show appreciation in doing so also.

The subjects and topics are made so that earnings are made for the I C castles owner as well as those involved in contributions in the I C castles.  Plus building business lists in those who attend the activities who agree to be a part of the I C castles program and in doing so they will be there knowing that the companies/businesses who own the I C castles appreciated them being there.

At each occasion I C castles room that is made as well as being able to attend in-between and communication can be done using AI at these times as well.

****The who, what, where, when and how of each individual business  or department of each business and your industries art, science, music, comedy and culture. ********

Food - The I C castles are all designed to include services and systems that are made related to the food (including local area farmers, and food resources companies in every I C castles for extra revenue ) .

Shelter - (castles created and designed by local architects with digital tools/resources for improved living standards). Businesses will be able to be distinguished by their own uniquely designed I C castles.

Clothing  - Designs by local/national/international contributors will be created specifically related to the I C castles business and then also be made with digital features based around the businesses/industries included requirements.

Medicine - (These can and will be created to assist in raising funds for medical research and needs of those on low income. I C castles will be for profit as well as not-for-profit programs).

Education - for schools and universities as fund raising programs (as well as introducing new talented skilled graduates to various industries/businesses).

Transport - Every I C castles program also will cover transport for all business areas and how AI will be introduced to cut costs and increase efficiency.

Services: Activities digital that is online only, online on location, online on premises and so much more as described in multiple data seen on Google Maps iccastles.com  and just4cash.com 

Google Sites just4cash4you.com

I C castles services and systems are varied designs created for each and every I C castles program.

These will be based on the art, science, music, comedy and culture of each business who the I C castles program is designed for. For example when there is a Gifted Host or a Guest Host who has interests in certain topics and subjects, then the I C castles teams arrange services and systems that are all associated with these in relation to the business that the I C castles program is created for.

So when the person likes violin and riding bikes; Then there will be services and systems created about and around those subjects. Not only will there be events that mean there is a Meet occasion that has hundreds of people from around the world playing violin at the one time, the business that the Guest Host/ Gifted host works in. There is a list of extra earnings made available for the I C castles business also.

There will be a portfolio that is created for that company. There will be people who pay to be a part of the occasion and also many will be paid (Included in the original I C castles payment arrangements).

So an example of just one area of the I C castles created for your business is where the songs played will be  composed and designed specifically related to the businesses who own the I C castles. So that with each area of music (Jazz, orchestral, rock n' roll, rap, country, hip hop etc) will be performances from the local, national and international contributors, each paid for in the I C castles plans.  These artists will then also get extra options for references to their own compositions and as such are also able to achieve multiple income leverages.

I C castles are easy to remember; think of it as your business sweet strength. When you think of I C the Internet Complete is Blogs, websites, videos, emails, social media, classifieds and more.
I C is Integrated Circuits.
I C is Ice Cream castles your sweet strength. (mi casa su casa)
I C is Internet Complete caring and sharing top leads excellence systems

I C is sweet Castles are strength as clients appreciation services top leads excellence systems. The strength of every business is in great clients business applications services and top leads excellence systems. Continued business growth for all industries.

Everyone earns with I C castles. Find out more on ICcastles.com with Just4Cash4You.com on Just4Cash.com . 

***********.   *********.    ***********

Magic, Eunoia, serendipity and EUDAIMONIA confluence. Euphoria – A Greek State of Ecstacy

It is always wonderful and relative that we share happiness, knowledge, kindness, great health and success in all we do. For business:
Here are notes on:
Magic (signicantly advanced technology/ another magic is love), Eunoia, serendipity and EUDAIMONIA confluence.
Euphoria – A Greek State of Ecstasy
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. "
Arthur C. Clarke.

Sir Arthur Charles Clarke CBE FRAS was an English science-fiction writer, science writer, futurist, inventor, undersea explorer, and television series host. He co-wrote the screenplay for the 1968 film:
2001: A Space Odyssey,
one of the most influential films of all time. (Wikipedia).

Born: 16 December 1917, Minehead, United Kingdom

Died: 19 March 2008, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Love and the magic that it is:
When love is magical it is destiny. When destiny has a sense of humour, it is serendipity.
****J'adore. xo


Rock on. Stay strong.

“The World pushes us without mercy and when some push back, the world points and cries, ‘Evil’”— Mewtwo (PokΓ©mon).


DNLB - Do Not ''Live'' Backwards. Move on, share knowledge and learn from others, be kind, caring, considerate and prosper.

BABK - Be Auspicious. Be Kind.


+++++Your IQ has more value when you use your EQ wisely. +++++

**** Do "LIVE" backwards.***
(lol... Spell it! ..... Do not do it, Ok Make sure you never do that!)

*What is one difference between the ethnography of communication approach and interactional sociolinguistics?

Ethnography is the systematic, qualitative study of culture, including the cultural bases of linguistic skills and communicative contexts (Ochs & Schieffelin, 1995). Sociolinguistics, on the other hand, focuses on how language use is shaped by individual and societal forces (Coulmas, 1997).

*May the force be with you.


*Ethnography of communication

Examines the patterns of communication, the way systems of communicative events are organised and the ways in which these interact with all other cultural systems. In short, ethnography of communication allows researchers to connect linguistic forms with cultural practices.

*Context is crucial.


*What are the components of communication as stated in the ethnography of communication?

K – key – the tone and manner in which the speech is carried out.
I – instrumentalities – the medium of communication that is used.
N – norms of interaction – the rules of speech, interaction and interpretation.
G – genres – the 'type' of speech and its cultural contexts.

+++ Eudaimonia with eunoia:

Q - Questioning interpretations -  configuration of context.
U - Understanding, explanations - creating innovative interactive sociable communicable solutions.
E - Evolutionary experiences - widening scales for confirmation of formulation required with display and exhibition of information.
E - Exploration of differences - incorporation including variances.
N - Novaturient naturalization -  enabling adaptable extended entities  involvement.

*Classic reflex broe!
*The unisex version of bro!

*Business relationships optimisation extras!

As it stands: As NEW-Day-Money/

A new governance: (No mints or limits: reference to costs for and of maintenance and management of  human existence).
*Confluence +++++++
An act or process of merging.

"A major *confluence* of the cultural and socioeconomic influences across every nation. Progressive changes created through a combination of I Q interpretations and EQ inspirations.
Designed by integrating the world's financial and economical markets into evolutionary eudaimonia based programmatic system's."

*Recovery, recuperation, reform, redesign, regenerate*


Definitions of interactional.
Capable of acting on or influencing each other. synonyms: interactive mutual, reciprocal. concerning each of two or more persons or things; especially given or done in return.



willing to talk and engage in activities with other people; friendly.

"being a sociable person, Eva loved entertaining"

*Interactive with others.**********

easy to get on/along with

relating to society or its organization.
"alcoholism is recognized as a major social problem"

*Influenced by others. ********



Eunoia -

Beautiful thinking, a well mind.
Goodwill to others.

a feeling of goodwill (= being friendly and wanting to help), especially one that exists between a speaker and an audience: ...

In rhetoric, eunoia (Ancient Greek: Ξ΅α½”Ξ½ΞΏΞΉαΎ°, romantized: eΓΊnoia, lit. 'well mind; beautiful thinking') is the goodwill a speaker cultivates between themselves and their audience, a condition of receptivity ... Eunoia is the shortest English word containing all five main vowel graphemes

Aristotle uses the term "eunoia" to refer to the kind and benevolent feelings of goodwill that a spouse has and that form the basis for the ethical foundation of human life.


Socrates & Aristotle
Eudaimonia is often translated as “happiness,” but that’s a bit misleading. Eudaimonia comes from two Greek words:

Eu-: good
Daimon: "soul" or “self.” A difficult word to translate into English.

In Greek philosophy, Eudaimonia means achieving the best conditions possible for a human being, in every sense–not only happiness, but also virtue, morality, and a meaningful life. It was the ultimate goal of philosophy: to become better people—to fulfill our unique potential as human beings. Aristotle wrote about the idea the most, and it was important to many Greek philosophers, from Socrates, the father of Greek philosophy, through to Stoicism, a late-Greek philosophy.

You can achieve Eudaimonia, Aristotle argued, by working hard, cultivating your virtues, and excelling at whatever tasks nature and circumstances come to you. However, Aristotle also wrote that living in the right kind of place and balancing your activities with wisdom are essential to achieving Eudaimonia as well.

If you’re a parent, you should excel at raising your children; if you’re a doctor, you should excel at healing people; and if you’re a philosopher, you should excel at gaining knowledge and wisdom, and teaching. Of course, each person plays many roles life, and it’s by excelling in all of them that one achieves Eudaimonia.

Aristotle argued that, in addition to our specific roles (parent, doctor, philosopher), all human beings share a purpose — one things we all do that makes us human. In order to achieve true Eudaimonia, you have to excel at this as well — being a moral person, controlling your emotions, and exercising reason. Because, Aristotle argued, these are the most advanced and uniquely human abilities.

So, instead of happiness, Eudaimonia could be translated as: fulfillment, living a good (moral) life, human flourishing, and moral or spiritual success.

Eudaimonia - being a moral person, controlling your emotions, and exercising reason.

*Recovery, recuperation, redesign,  regenerate*

Auspiciousness -

auspicious • \aw-SPISH-us\ • adjective.
1 : showing or suggesting that future success is likely : propitious
2 : attended by good fortune : prosperous.

synonyms for auspiciousness · adequacy · compatibility · consistency · eligibility · preparedness · qualified readiness · advantageous · felicitous · opportune · promising · propitious · bright · favorable · fortunate .. propitiousness · promising · bright · Integrity, Dignity.


the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect.
"the dignity of labour"
a composed or serious manner or style.
"he bowed with great dignity"


Learn to pronounce
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
"a gentleman of complete integrity"
good character
the state of being whole and undivided.
"upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty"

Having integrity means that you live in accordance to your deepest values, you're honest with everyone, and you always keep your word. Integrity is a highly valued trait, especially in leaders. When you live with integrity, you're more likely to be considered for important promotions and leadership positions.

Auspiciousness - conducive to success;
favourable, giving or being a sign of future success.
characterized by success;

Learn to pronounce
well meaning and kindly.
"he was something of a benevolent despot"
well meaning
(of an organization) serving a charitable rather than a profit-making purpose.
"a benevolent fund

+Characterized by success; prosperous.

+Conducive to success; favourable
+Conducive - making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible. Similar:
good for
helpful to

+Conductive- lead; direct; perform; execute; do. behave; acquit; bear; deport; comport; carry; hold; act; move. transmit; convey; channel; bring; take.
+n. in physiology, the transmission of excitation along a nerve, muscle, or other tissue. In a neuron, subthreshold stimulation results in decremental conduction, whereas suprathreshold stimulation results in a propagated action potential, or nerve impulse

So, instead of, (or really, as well as) happiness, Eudaimonia could be translated as: fulfillment, living a good (moral) life, human flourishing, and moral or spiritual success.

Eudaimonia - being a moral person, controlling your emotions, and exercising reason.

*Recovery, recuperation, redesign,  regenerate*

I C castles
Internet Complete (Integrated Circuits)
clients appreciation services (caring and sharing)
top leads excellence systems (transactions leverages extra strength).

All for building Business relationships optimisation extras
(Broe - the UNISEX version of Bro, sis!).

Google Maps Street view trusted photographer

J4C4U is Just4Cash4You.com
Google My Business:
I C castles with J4C4U on J4C for B BROE as business in Australia it is registered as Justine Ellen O'Brien ABN # 45822164003

Google Maps Street View Trusted Photographer
confirmation list: 

Street View trusted pros are:
Recipients of the Street View trusted badge
Distinguished contributors with fifty approved and published 360 photos
Featured in our index of for-hire professionals
Equipped to use the Trusted brand assets for marketing purposes

Google Workspace Enterprise , Google Chrome Enterprise , plus Google One , Level 10 Google Maps Local Guides Connect,
Google Maps Street view trusted photographer.

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