Be the music, share the power! Heavy Lies the Head! Vanessa Amorosi is back!
Vanessa Amorosi is back! Heavy Lies the Head Boy you've got to be pretty blind not to SEE the SIGNS!!!. Living in a world that you created! You can keep that mess that you created! Nobody can get back what they wasted! The truth will light eventually! You thought that you could break me! Even said that you loved me! Just words, words, words! Heavy Lies the Head Actions speak louder than words! Make IT truthful!! You thought you got away with it .... Now you know I won't forget! You've been underestimating every single part of me! Get that it is in the happiness in us that we will shine, you cannot stamp out the happiness that is all about getting the facts right! Thank you #VanessaAmorosi for sharing your gift! We appreciate all that you do! Everything! Shine on! Heavy Lies the Head